Young Sheldon Staffel 1

Das neunjährige Genie Sheldon Cooper (Iain Armitage) wächst in Ost-Texas bei einer sehr wertkonservativen Familie auf. Seine Mutter Mary (Zoe Perry) hält die Bibel in hohen Ehren und folgt einer wörtlichen Auslegung, was im Laufe der Zeit stark mit Sheldons wissenschaftlicher Weltsicht kollidiert. Außerdem im Haus: Sheldons Vater George (Lance Barber) sowie seine Zwillingsschwester Missy (Raegan Revord) und der ältere Bruder George Jr. (Montana Jordan).


Sitcom Comedy


2017 - Unbekannt


Doc Farrow, Iain Armitage, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Wyatt McClure und 1 weiterer


Chuck Lorre, Eric Norsoph, Jon Favreau, Todd Spiewak


Jaffar Mahmood, Jon Favreau, Michael Zinberg


Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro


A Sneeze, Detention and Sissy Spacek

1. Pilot
2. Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System
3. Poker, Faith, and Eggs
4. "A Therapist, a Comic Book, and a Breakfast Sausage
5. A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader’s Bosom
6. A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac®
7. A Brisket, Voodoo, and Cannonball Run
8. Cape Canaveral, Schrödinger's Cat, and Cyndi Lauper's Hair
9. Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia
10. An Eagle Feather, A String Bean, And An Eskimo
11. Demons, Sunday School, And Prime Numbers
12. A Computer, A Plastic Pony, And A Case Of Beer
13. A Sneeze, Detention and Sissy Spacek
14. Potato Salad, a Broomstick, and Dad's Whiskey
15. Dolomite, Apple Slices, and a Mystery Woman
16. Killer Asteroids, Oklahoma, and a Frizzy Hair Machine
17. Jiu-Jitsu, Bubble Wrap, And Yoo-hoo
18. A Mother, A Child and a Blue Man's Backside
19. Gluons, Guacamole, and the Color Purple
20. A Dog, a Squirrel, and a Fish Named Fish
21. Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho, and Tony Danza
22. Vanilla Ice Cream, Gentleman Callers, And A Dinette Set
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