One Piece Staffel 20

Nach Gol D. Rogers Tod machen sich Piraten aus aller Welt auf, seinen gewaltigen Schatz, das sogenannte "One Piece" zu finden. Unter ihnen ist auch der junge Monkey D. Ruffy, der zunächst mehrfach vergeblich beim gefürchteten Piraten Shanks anheuert, um von diesem mit auf hohe See genommen zu werden. Als Ruffy jedoch von der mysteriösen Gum-Gum-Frucht isst, ändert sich sein Leben radikal. Er erlangt die Fähigkeit, seinen Körper nahezu beliebig dehnen zu können! Die Kehrseite der Medaille ist allerdings, dass er ab sofort nicht mehr schwimmen kann – was für einen Piraten nicht gerade von Vorteil ist. Ruffy stellt sich eine Mannschaft zusammen und macht sich auf eigene Faust auf die abenteuerliche Suche nach dem sagenumwobenen Schatz One Piece.


Anime-Super-Power Action Drama Comedy Abenteuer Fantasy


1999 - Unbekannt


Keine Angabe


Toei Animation


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Junji Shimizu, Kounosuke Uda, Munehisa Sakai, Satoshi Itou, Tatsuya Nagamine, Toshinori Fukazawa und 3 weitere


Hirohiko Uesaka, Junki Takegami, Shouji Yonemura


| Episode 936 | Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano`s Haki: Ryuo!

1. | Episode 890 | Marco! The Keeper of Whitebeard's Last Memento!
2. | Episode 891 | Climbing Up a Waterfall! A Great Journey Through the Land of Wano's Sea Zone!
3. | Episode 892 | The Land of Wano! To the Samurai Country where Cherry Blossoms Flutter!
4. | Episode 893 | Otama Appears! Luffy vs. Kaido's Army!
5. | Episode 894 | He'll Come! The Legend of Ace in the Land of Wano!
6. | Episode 895 | Side Story! The World's Greatest Bounty Hunter, Cidre!
7. | Episode 896 | Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation!
8. | Episode 897 | Save Otama! Straw Hat, Bounding Through the Wasteland!
9. | Episode 898 | The Headliner! Hawkins the Magician Appears!
10. | Episode 899 | Defeat is Inevitable! The Strawman's Fierce Attack!
11. | Episode 900 | The Greatest Day of My Life! Otama and Her Sweet Red-bean Soup!
12. | Episode 901 | Charging into the Enemy's Territory! Bakura Town - Where Officials Thrive!
13. | Episode 902 | The Invincible Urashima pursues Okiku!
14. | Episode 903 | A Climatic Sumo Battle! Straw Hat vs. the Strongest Ever Yokozuna!
15. | Episode 904 | Luffy Rages! Rescue Otama from Danger!
16. | Episode 905 | Taking Back Otama! A Fierce Fight Against Holdem!
17. | Episode 906 | Duel! The Magician and the Surgeon of Death!
18. | Episode 907 | Romance Dawn
19. | Episode 908 | The Coming of the Treasure Ship! Luffytaro Returns the Favor!
20. | Episode 909 | Mysterious Grave Markers! A Reunion at the Ruins of Oden Castle!
21. | Episode 910 | A Legendary Samurai! The Man Who Roger Admired!
22. | Episode 911 | Bringing Down the Emperor of the Sea! A Secret Raid Operation Begins!
23. | Episode 912 | The Strongest Man in the World! Shutenmaru, the Thieves Brigade Chief!
24. | Episode 913 | Everyone Is Annihilated! Kaido's Furious Blast Breath!
25. | Episode 914 | Finally Clashing! The Ferocious Luffy vs. Kaido!
26. | Episode 915 | Destructive! One Shot, One Kill: Thunder Bagua!
27. | Episode 916 | Life in Hell! Luffy's Place of Humiliation
28. | Episode 917 | The Holyland in Tumult! Emperor of the Sea Blackbeard Cackles!
29. | Episode 918 | It's On! The Special Operation to Bring Down Kaido!
30. | Episode 919 | Rampage! The Prisoners: Luffy and Kid!
31. | Episode 920 | A Great Sensation! Sanji's Special Soba!
32. | Episode 921 | Luxurious and Gorgeous! Wano's Most Beautiful Woman - Komurasaki!
33. | Episode 922 | A Tale ofChivalry! Zoro and Tonoyasu`s Little Trip!
34. | Episode 923 | A State of Emergency! Big Mom Closes In!
35. | Episode 924 | The Capital in an Uproar! Another Assassin Targets Sanji!
36. | Episode 925 | Dashing! The Righteous Soba Mask!
37. | Episode 926 | A Desperate Situation - The Menacing Orochi Oniwabanshu
38. | Episode 927 | Pandemonium! The Monster Snake, Shogun Orochi!
39. | Episode 928 | The Flower Falls! The Final Moment of the Most Beautiful Woman in the Land of Wano!
40. | Episode 929 | The Bond Between Prisoners - Luffy and Old Man Hyo!
41. | Episode 930 | A Lead Performer! Queen the Plague Emerges!
42. | Episode 931 | Climb up! Luffy's Desperate Escape!
43. | Episode 932 | Dead or Alive! Queen's Sumo Inferno!
44. | Episode 933 | Gyukimaru! Zoro Fights a Duel on Bandit`s Bridge!
45. | Episode 934 | A Big Turnover! The Three-Sword Style Overcomes Danger!
46. | Episode 935 | Zoro, Stunned! The Shocking Identity of the Mysterious Woman!
47. | Episode 936 | Get the Hang of It! The Land of Wano`s Haki: Ryuo!
48. | Episode 937 | Tonoyasu! Ebisu Town's Most Loved!
49. | Episode 938 | Shaking the Nation! The Identity of Ushimitsu Kozo The Chivalrous Thief!
50. | Episode 939 | The Straw Hats Run! Save the Captive Tonoyasu!
51. | Episode 940 | Zoro's Fury! The Truth About the Smile!
52. | Episode 941 | Toko's Tears! Orochi's Painful Bullets!
53. | Episode 942 | The Straw Hats Step In! An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground!
54. | Episode 943 | Luffy's Determination! Win Through the Sumo Inferno!
55. | Episode 944 | The Storm Has Come! A Raging Big Mom!
56. | Episode 945 | A Grudge Over Red Bean Soup! Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation!
57. | Episode 946 | Stop the Emperor of the Sea! Queen's Secret Plan!
58. | Episode 947 | Brutal Ammunition! The Plague Rounds Aim at Luffy!
59. | Episode 948 | Launching the Counterattack! Luffy and the Red-Scabbard Samurai!
60. | Episode 949 | We're Here to Win! Luffy's Desperate Scream!
61. | Episode 950 | Warriors' Dream! Luffy's Conquer of Udon!
62. | Episode 951 | Orochi's Hunting Party! The Ninja Group vs. Zoro!
63. | Episode 952 | Tension Rises in Onigashima! Two Emperors of the Sea Meet?!
64. | Episode 953 | Hiyori's Confession! A Reunion at Bandit's Bridge!
65. | Episode 954 | Its Name is Enma! Oden's Great Swords!
66. | Episode 955 | A New Alliance?! Kaido's Army Gathers!
67. | Episode 956 | Ticking Down to the Great Battle! The Straw Hats Go into Combat Mode!
68. | Episode 957 | Big News! An Incident That Will Affect the Seven Warlords!
69. | Episode 958 | A Legendary Battle! Garp and Roger!
70. | Episode 959 | The Rendezvous Port! The Land of Wano Act Three Begins!
71. | Episode 960 | The Number-One Samurai in the Land of Wano! Here comes Kozuki Oden!
72. | Episode 961 | Tearfully Swearing Allegiance! Oden and Kin'emon!
73. | Episode 962 | Changing Destiny! The Whitebeard Pirates Cast Ashore!
74. | Episode 963 | Oden's Determination! Whitebeard's Test!
75. | Episode 964 | Whitebeard's Little Brother! Oden's Great Adventure!
76. | Episode 965 | Crossing Swords! Roger and Whitebeard!
77. | Episode 966 | Roger's Wish! A New Journey!
78. | Episode 967 | The Bet of a Lifetime! Roger's Adventure!
79. | Episode 968 | The King of the Pirates is Born! Arriving at the Last Island!
80. | Episode 969 | To the Land of Wano! The Roger Pirates Disband!
81. | Episode 970 | Sad News! The Opening of the Great Pirate Era!
82. | Episode 971 | Raid! Oden and the Nine Red Scabbards!
83. | Episode 972 | The Moment of Conclusion! Oden vs. Kaido!
84. | Episode 973 | Boiled to Death! Oden's One-hour Struggle!
85. | Episode 974 | Oden Wouldn't Be Oden If It Wasn't Boiled!
86. | Episode 975 | The Castle on Fire! The Fate of the Kozuki Clan!
87. | Episode 976 | Back to the Present Day! 20 Years Later!
88. | Episode 977 | The Sea Is for Pirates! Raid! To Onigashima!
89. | Episode 978 | The Worst Generation Charges In! The Battle of the Stormy Sea!
90. | Episode 979 | Good Luck?! Leader Kin'emon's Plot!
91. | Episode 980 | A Tearful Promise! The Kidnapped Momonosuke!
92. | Episode 981 | A New Member! 'First Son of the Sea' Jimbei!
93. | Episode 982 | Kaido's Trump Card! The Tobi Roppo Appear!
94. | Episode 983 | The Samurai Warriors' Earnestness! The Straw Hats Land at Onigashima!
95. | Episode 984 | Luffy Goes Out of Control! Sneaking into Kaido's Banquet!
96. | Episode 985 | Thinking of Otama! Luffy's Furious Strike!
97. | Episode 986 | Fighting Music! An Ability That Harms Luffy!
98. | Episode 987 | His Dream Broken?! The Trap That Lures Sanji!
99. | Episode 988 | Reinforcements Arrive! The Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates!
100. | Episode 989 | The Pact Between Men! The Fierce Fighting of Brachio Tank!
101. | Episode 990 | Thunder Bagua! Here Comes Kaido's Son!
102. | Episode 991 | Enemy or Ally? Luffy and Yamato!
103. | Episode 992 | Desire to Be Oden! Yamato's Dream!
104. | Episode 993 | Explosive?! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato's Freedom!
105. | Episode 994 | The Akazaya Face-off! Kikunojo vs. Kanjuro!
106. | Episode 995 | Raid! Inheriting Oden's Will!
107. | Episode 996 | Onigashima in Tumult! Luffy's All-Out War Begins!
108. | Episode 997 | The Battle Under the Moon! The Berserker, Sulong the Moon Lion!
109. | Episode 998 | Zeus' Treason?! The Cornered Nami!
110. | Episode 999 | I'll Protect You! Yamato Meets Momonosuke!
111. | Episode 1000 | Overwhelming Strength! The Straw Hats Come Together
112. | Episode 1001 | A Risky Invitation! A Plot to Eliminate Queen!
113. | Episode 1002 | A New Rivalry! Nami and Ulti!
114. | Episode 1003| A Heroic Blade! Akazaya vs. Kaido, Again Once More!
115. | Episode 1004 | An Inherited Technique! Unleashing Oden's Secret Swordplay!
116. | Episode 1005 | The Power of Ice Oni! A New Version of the Plague Rounds!
117. | Episode 1006 | I Won't Forgive Him! Chopper's Determination!
118. | Episode 1007 | Zoro's Pursuit! Ice Oni Tag!
119. | Episode 1008 | Nami Surrenders?! Ulti's Fierce Headbutt!
120. | Episode 1009 | Sasaki's Onslaught! Armored Division vs. Yamato!
121. | Episode 1010 | Eliminate the Ice Oni! Chopper's Fire Trick!
122. | Episode 1011 | It's Not Okay! The Spider lures Sanji!
123. | Episode 1012 | A Turnaround Move! The Flames of Marco the Phoenix!
124. | Episode 1013 | Yamato's Past! The Man Who Came for an Emperor of the Sea!
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